Thursday, January 3, 2013


Reading-through the upshot of medical exam
With the final optimism in this test
His eyes wide open in glance
Looks again at the result to clarify
With those arguments nullify
He has news to give with head high

His aim to become a doctor gets wings
In high spirits he dances and buzzes
Parents proud to have him as son
Can’t neglect a prospect to shun
All those voices in neighborhood
Had begun to smudge where he stood
To term him a failure amongst all
Comparing the performance over all

Stepping the gates of the institute
First day he faces a dream in mute
For him every teacher an astute
Learnt and practiced his lessons well
An initiative to come out from shell

A day approached to be ragged
A banned act in this part of world
Still practiced with students hurled
Ordered to craft coursework by seniors
If refuted would face harassment
Told his parents about this event
But would be able to handle it on own
His frustration never again shown

After college facing the anguish in hostel
Day after day some vocation by seniors thrown
Facing all this in this new place all alone
Mentally disturbed affecting health
Those horrifying creatures’ images
Disturbing him all night in phases
Unaided in room all those come up
For his rescue nobody turn up…..
A blow on head with devilish hands

All surround him as wild men
             Seems the world has become deaf                                                                To his cries no one replies
“Ah! You cruel men God will never forgive
With no arms in innocent’s hand
Taking advantage, in soup you shall land”
Last drops of blood speak of revenge
They are bloodier with the eyes bent

Once whom people call next to God
Has taken an innocent life oh! Lord
Ready to finish their victim
It does happen with news firing
For family a last serene slumber lay
Next day for everyone a black day
The dead body of this candidate
Lying silently and authorities on hunt
Parents in shock with this news
Cry for their only son

Wild act leave those four men
With their shadows seen in the prison
Dark pages getting darker
Career in one night smashed
Blood on the clothes squander
An affair with the life
Now shall be ragged by life

The news of the Tanda medical college, Himachal Pradesh, a student losing life in ragging has been a shock to all those who send their close ones to the hostel to study to make some mark in life. Seeing that ragging in colleges can steal away the lives of the students by their seniors is heart throbbing. How can a human being entrust atrocities against the other??

There are many instances that cannot be avoided until we ourselves do not halt and think. We should not turn a blind eye to the situations in the surroundings. Start raising voice against the erroneous deeds that shall impinge on the ambiance

written in 2008 

Decking the God in jewels
Fine-looking attire for the Goddess
Every ornament to embellish
This beauty has no parallel on earth
Nor shall anyone ever grow
With the aura as possessed by her

At the temple, the serene ambience
Thrown on each child of Lord
Sense of calmness lies on every head

Experiencing presence of God beside me
In white golden robes, resides there
A glow that no one can ignore

“You came with many problems in hand
Child, speak out the troubles that worry”

When asked, the head instigated my throat
To speak out what lies in heart
So in flow the worries flee

“Poverty, corruption, illiteracy
This nation is enclosed by whammy of evils
It hurts when compared with developed nations
Why my nation cannot match them?

The news still flashing
Sounding hard on the ruling ears
The stark reality all the more bitter
We have the human resources
But there seems no end to all this

When stepped at the airport from United States
I had expected things to change
Many years of orbit of sun done
But failed to enhance the quality of fabric
The social fabric of my nation
Is there any tonic to cure this?
Do you have an answer, Lord to all this?”

“Every word of yours pricks me
As every human being was my creation
As every child is dear to me
Every daughter and son has the might
Every child was launched on earth
As the replica of an Angel
In the dust of earth where did that vanish?

Dogmatic attitude in dynamic space
Abandoning the outdated faiths
Every young hand reflects the force
To worship humanity
A leader who would not ornament self
And drain the Government’s treasury
Provide life to a billion populations
When nation struggles for food
Shall not throw birthday parties
Or command to build own statues
Without entertaining some section
Shall have vision in mind for nation

As child takes birth with innocence
Have no conspiracies and worries
No hatred and no jealousy
If nourished the mind with right
Through life never tempt to do wrong
My nation needs that hand

On contemplating shall not ornament
Oneself with gold at the cost of lives
Self-worship shall lay feet on many lives

The light vanished in front of the eyes
But mind ingrained with everlasting light
Has the vision in mind to serve
Has to sacrifice pleasures
To abstain from self-worship was the answer

written in 2008